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05.18 (토)

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Lotte Chilsung launches strawberry, banana Milkis flavors

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Milkis Zero Strawberry & Banana

Lotte Chilsung Beverage is set to launch “Milkis Zero Strawberry & Banana,” a new zero-calorie addition to its flagship “Milkis” sparkling beverage.

The drink’s latest version was created based on consumer preference surveys conducted during the product development stage. The product features a unique blend of Milkis’ smooth, distinctive milk flavor that is complemented by a light infusion of strawberry and banana aromas.

This new product comes in a pink-themed package design with Milkis’ adorable character and fruit illustrations that are aimed at helping consumers recognize the product immediately. Milkis Zero Strawberry & Banana will be available in convenient 250ml and 340ml cans, as well as a 500ml PET bottle that can be enjoyed on the go.
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