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10.09 (수)

2018 Jeonju International Film Festival: Director 'Wes Anderson' famous for 'The Grand Budapest Hotel' new movie 'Isle of Dogs'

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[MHN] Wes Anderson director's new movie 'Isle of Dogs' has selected to be the closing film of Jeonju International Film.

Wes Anderson director got applauded with his debut movie 'Bottle Rocket (2014)' filmed produced in two films in a same name. And since then, he was enlisted to Academy Awards for Best Screenplay with 'The Royal Tenenbaums (2001)', 'Moonrise Kingdom (2012)' and 'The Grad Budapest Hotel (2014)' and also enlisted to sound cartoon award with 'Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009)'.

'Grand Budapest Hotel' is the first movie which enlisted to Academy Awards Director Awards and got a grand prize on Golden Glove for musical and comedy movie and a Royal affair on Berlin International Film Festival. Also since 1998, he mange his company, 'American Emperor Pictures' and got Royal affair on Berlin International Film festival once again this year with the movie 'Isle of Dogs' which would be the closing movie this year on 18th Jeonju International Film Festival.

The movie 'Isle of Dogs' is that one day 'Dogfluenze' has spread around the world and humans sent all the dogs in the world to abandoned island. And the main character went alone to the island met 5 dogs and find other dogs.

Jeonju International Film Festival Lee Sang-yong programmer said, "The movie 'Isle of Dogs' is a story of revolution with the background of future city on earth. People in the center of politics dream of adventure and revolution toward supremacy. Along with this, Science-following Watanabe and Tracy are interesting characters. Director Anderson suggest new way of change through adventure and growth tale. Also, it is the movie full of Japanese Haiku imagination with traces of 'Seven Samurai (1954)', 'Yojimbo (1961)'.

The closing movie of Junju International Film Festival 'Isle of Dogs' would be filmed on 12th, after the closing ceremony.

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