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10.09 (수)

[1995~1999년]A WESTERN-STYLE PAINTER KIM MYUNG SIK③‥The name is ‘Godegi Hill’

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Spring, Summer 255×51inches oil on canvas, 1998

<이미지를 클릭하시면 크게 보실 수 있습니다>

Spring, Summer 255×51inches oil on canvas, 1998 The private view to be held at Chung Jak Gallery in Korea will be showing of the memories of his(서양화가 김명식, 김명식 작가,김명식 교수) childhood. "Godegi Hill"series is the name. The name came from Godeokri which is the old name of Godeokdong.

It holds his dreams of childhood. It's now filles with skycrapers but what he wants to draw in not what we can see now a days. To him it's always shining bright. Where the birds sing and fall moon comes up every night,(is the home his lost dreams.)

That was what he was trying to draw. His drawing which is almost a scrawl and the breaking of form could be considered in two ways. The change in color and them. before this he used outlines with the colors but now he is using only colors. The change in them is that he connected the everyday life scenery with the objects of tales.(Mountain, Village, Dog and Bird, etc)

The change from bright, cheerful colors to dark, heavy ones show the way in which his works(キムミョンシク,Andy Kim, KIM MYUNG SIK, 金明植,김명식 화백) will now head. This shows cubism that the artist in trying to express and more enriched inner world of an artist.

△Yun jin Seob(art critić/윤진섭(미술평론가)

권동철 미술칼럼니스트

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