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10.11 (금)

Eugene teams up with Japan’s Liberty to automate all RMC lines

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Eugene Corporation, parent company of South Korea’s largest ready-mix concrete (RMC) producer Eugene Group, has joined hands with Liberty, a leading Japanese RMC equipment and software developer, to make its factories fully automated by 2022.

The company said Thursday it signed a memorandum of understanding for the construction of Korea’s first smart RMC factory with Liberty. Under the agreement, they will work together to automate Eugene’s entire manufacturing lines and use big data to monitor defect to manage quality in advance. With a new smart system, the Korean RMC maker is also aiming to enable all its production lines to run autonomously.

“We’ll complete the development of needed technologies by 2022 to apply the new smart factory system to all RMC production lines of Eugene Corp. and Tongyang,” said an official at Eugene Corp. Eugene Group is the largest shareholder of its smaller rival Tongyang Inc.

To expedite the adoption of its smart factory system, Eugene Corp.’s research and development force will study the related technologies under 53 projects with four steps each, the company added.

The Korean concrete maker hopes the smart factory system will help raise the customer satisfaction with upgraded quality and enhance the productivity and efficiency on reduced cost.

[ⓒ Maeil Business Newspaper & mk.co.kr, All rights reserved]
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