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10.09 (수)

'Hyori's Homestay2' Hyori, to Yoona "I would die without you"

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<이미지를 클릭하시면 크게 보실 수 있습니다>

[MHN] 'Hyori's Homestay2' Hyori had a farewell with Yoona.

On JTBC entertainment 'Hyori's Homestay2' broadcasted on 13th, there was a farewell between Hyori-Sangsun with Yoona.

On the day, Lee Sang-sun said to Hyori, "Now It's time to go back to your life. It's okay forget us".

Yoona replied, "I would visit often and contact often." However, when farewell time arrives, Lee Hyo-ri and Yoona hugged each other and toughly handled farewell.

Hyori said, "Yoona, I would die without you" showed her depressed feeling and Sang-soon said, "There's only us now".

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