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10.09 (수)

Prominent stage director announces permanent retirement for sexual abuse

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SEOUL, Feb. 19 (Aju News) -- Lee Youn-taek, a prominent stage director, announced his permanent departure Monday from South Korea's theatrical world, admitting he has been involved in habitual sexual abuses for 18 years.

Lee, 65, apologized and said he would accept "any punishment including my legal liability for my sins". "I will not be able to play anymore," he said, adding he feels "very shameful and terrible" because he could not suppress his libido.

He became the victim of South Korea's #MeToo movement sparked by a female prosecutor's revelation that led to an inspection of sexual harassment in one of South Korea's most closed and hierarchical public organizations.

As head of his theatrical company called Yeonhuidan georipae (Yeonhee Street Theatre Troupe), Lee has proved his talents many times over through his production of movie scenarios, TV drama scripts, dance and musical stagings, and theatrical programs for international events.

He came under fire after Kim Su-hee, a former Yeonhuidan member, said on Facebook last week that she was forced to massage Lee's penis about 10 years ago, followed by other sexual abuse allegations. One former actress claimed she was raped twice.

"I may not have been able to suppress my dirty desire while feeling guilty," Lee told reporters. "It was a very bad form of ritual running for the past 18 years." However, he insisted he should stage a legal battle to refute rape allegations. "There was no rape or forced sex."

The "#MeToo" movement has exposed a slew of allegations against some of the world's most powerful men. However, it gained little attention in South Korea, which has long been overshadowed by Confucian and conservative ideologies. High-profile figures and celebrities are reluctant to reveal personal experiences due to a different social culture.

There have been a series of revelations since Seo Ji-hyeon, a female prosecutor, claimed last month that she was sexually harassed by a drunken senior prosecutor in October 2010. Seo argued that she had to shut up in fear of possible disadvantage in the workplace, revealing other cases of sexual harassment targeting female prosecutors.

Lim Chang-won Reporter cwlim34@ajunews.com

Lim Chang-won cwlim34@ajunews.com

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