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10.10 (목)

LG Uplus builds IoT-based gas grid of private city gas supplier Samchully

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[Photo provided by LG Uplus]

South Korean cellular carrier LG Uplus said on Monday it has teamed up with Samchully, the country’s largest heating and cooking gas distributor, to provide a smart gas pipe management service based on Narrowband-Internet of Things (IoT).

The two has built a smart gas grid management system and launched commercial service.

NB-IoT terminals allow remote monitoring and alerting of possible gas leaks or flooding at underground gas valve rooms along the route of the pipeline. Using this system, pipe erosion or intervention by other facilities can be observed remotely.

Shares of LG Uplus Monday ended 1 percent down at 14,800 won, while Samchully closed at 118,500 won, unchanged from the previous session.

It marks the first time that an NB-IoT-based industrial management service was established for underground gas grid in Korea. The new service is expected to improve work safety and productivity.

LG Uplus installed NB-IoT terminals at hundreds of valve rooms and test boxes of Samchully’s pipe grid and aims to expand the installations to Samchully’s 20,000 entire facilities within three years.

[ⓒ Maeil Business Newspaper & mk.co.kr, All rights reserved]
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