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[AsiaNet] Silk Road Cultural Heritage International Exchange Event Kicks Off

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China-Egypt Silk Road Cultural Heritage International Exchange Event

AsiaNet 0200256

CAIRO July 8, 2024 /AsiaNet=연합뉴스/-- On July 3, the China-Egypt Silk Road Cultural Heritage International Exchange Event commenced in Cairo, Egypt. The event, themed "Common Heritage, Shared World," invites guests from UNESCO, Chinese and Egyptian government bodies, as well as experts in culture, architecture, and heritage conservation, to discuss the protection of rivers and cultural heritage -- a topic of global concern. The event aims to explore pathways for China-Egypt cross-cultural exchange and cooperation, further promoting the Silk Road story to the world.

As ancient civilizations, China and Egypt share a history dating back to the Silk Road, a relationship that continues to this day. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the establishment of comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Egypt. Over the past decade, political mutual trust between the two nations has deepened, and practical cooperation has yielded fruitful results, with numerous projects in culture, education, technology, and more benefiting both sides. Key projects include the completion of the 500kV El-Sadat substation jointly invested in by China and Egypt, and the successful launch of Egypt's second satellite by China. The China-Egypt relationship also exemplifies solidarity and mutual benefit, reflecting China's cooperation with countries along the great rivers.

Gabriela Ramos, Assistant Director-General for Social and Human Sciences at UNESCO, remarked in a video address that this event serves as a bridge between China and Egypt. UNESCO will continue to promote cross-cultural exchanges, protect our common heritage, and shape a better future.

This event is part of "Experience China" series of cultural exchanges of the State Council Information Office and the Information Office of Nanjing Municipal People's Government, focusing on the protection, utilization, and inheritance of cultural heritage, and promoting dialogue between the Yangtze River and the Nile. Supported by UNESCO, the "Common Heritage, Shared World" Youth Co-Creation Project was also launched simultaneously. The themed exhibition and the Youth Dialogue on Yangtze-Nile Cultural Heritage Protection and Inheritance are being held concurrently, showcasing city-specific historical and cultural heritage, promoting global cultural dialogue, and enhancing mutual understanding among people worldwide.

Source: Information Office of Nanjing Municipal People's Government

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