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10.07 (월)

[Park Geun-hye to Be Summoned on March 21] Park Chung-hee's Three Children All Disgraced as Suspects

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Former President Park Geun-hye (65) will appear at the Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office as a suspect of fourteen charges on March 21, which will mean all three children of former President Park Chung-hee will have been disgraced, having been interrogated by the prosecutors as suspects.


The youngest, Park Ji-man (59, left photo), chairman of EG was booked six times in the past for taking drugs. He was first arrested for taking cocaine in 1989, after he was discharged from the military as an Army captain in 1986. He was arrested for the fifth time in April 2002 for habitually taking Philopon (methamphetamine) from August 2000 to November 2001. He appeared at the Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office in December 2014 to be questioned as a witness in the investigation of the "Chung Yoon-hoi documents."

The second eldest, Park Geun-ryeong (63, right), former chairman of the Yookyoung Foundation, was also criminally charged as a suspect on five occasions. The latest of these experiences was when former Special Auditor Lee Seok-soo (54), who oversaw the investigation of corruption by the president's close acquaintances, reported Park Geun-ryeong last July for a 100 million won fraud scheme.

This case was assigned to Criminal Department 8 of the Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office, currently investigating the former president, but was sent to Criminal Department 5 earlier this year. The victim received back the money from Park Geun-ryeong and submitted a petition to the Prosecutors' Office claiming not to seek punishment.

Park Geun-ryeong was sentenced to prison and fined after being found guilty on four occasions for violating the Act on the Establishment and Operation of Public Interest Corporations and for violating the Punishment of Vilences, Etc. Act (breaking and entering a common housing) in connection to her management of the Yookyoung Foundation in 2002-2012.

The head of the Republican Party Shin Dong-wook (49), Park Geun-ryeong's husband and the former president's brother-in-law, was questioned by the team of special prosecutor Park Young-soo as a witness last January. At the time, Shin contacted the special prosecutor and requested an investigation into violence at the Yookyoung Foundation and the murder of former President Park's cousin.

He appeared on a Podcast in the early days of the special counsel and criticized Choi Soon-sil (61, arrested) and former President Park, but later criticized that the special prosecutor's investigation of the bribery charges against Park Geun-hye and the Constitutional Court's impeachment decision were "a witch hunt" and “fiction.”

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