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06.17 (월)

〔2000년〕화가 이정연①‥온 몸으로 걸어 온 고독한 예술가

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Artist RHEE JEONG YOEN‥‘Encounter’, a Genuine Formative Beauty for the Absolute Being


Re-Genesis, 125×168㎝ Korea Lacquer Painting with Nature Materials on Hemp Cloth, 2000

<이미지를 클릭하시면 크게 보실 수 있습니다>

Re-Genesis, 125×168㎝ Korea Lacquer Painting with Nature Materials on Hemp Cloth, 2000

예술은 진실해야 한다고 하는 것은 꼭 고흐만이 쓸 수 있는 것은 아니다. 예술의 생명은 진실한 그 자체이기 때문이다. 나는 일반적으로 예술에 관해 아주 편견에 치우친 견해를 가지고 있다. 예를 들면 예술가는 약간의 한을 가지고 있거나, 아니면 타인이 보는 것과 관계없이 어느 정도 체험적인 아픔이 있어야 하고, 그 무슨 이유에서는 삶에 있어 절실한 것이 있어야 한다고 말이다.

Arts should be based on a sober mind and heart is well said not only by van Gogh. Because, a life of artistic creativity and its works is genuine itself. However, I do usually keep a biased view of arts, likely to the extent of over prejudiced view. For instance, an artist may have either a heartburning much or less or, with lucidity and conviction a certain pains of life disregard of the eyes of others through his or her own direct and actual experiences in their life. Whatever the causes may be, it is quite apparent that an artist should have gone under a serious experience of life.




철학적 관점에서 예술이 먼저 진실해야한다고 주장했던 사람은 플라톤이다. 예술이 진실해야 한다는 이런 절대명제는 르네상스 시대에 이르기까지 더욱 더 확신 있게 구체화되었으며 많은 예술 작품을 통해 예술에 있어 예술은 삶을 반영하고 예술은 그 삶을 드러내기 때문이다. 대부분의 경우 경험이나 체험은 예술의 깊이와 무게를 더해주고 때로는 윤기 있게 해주기 때문이다. 그런 점에 있어 이정연(RHEE JEONG YOEN)작가는 지금은 행복하지만 참으로 고독한 예술가의 길을 온몸으로 걸어 온 화가이다.

The soberness essentially required for arts from a view of philosophy was first asserted by Plato. An absolute proposition that arts should ever be real and true was much more asserted and materialized until Renaissance to the conviction of the concerned, and the reality and truthfulness were magnificently represented through an innumerable artworks. However, from a different view, it was a prejudiced and commonplace view having a matter of issue that restrained a soberness of arts and freedom of creativity.

A particular background of my suggestions to the artist somewhat tenaciously, whatever it may be, it is because of her arts honestly and realistically reflect her own life as really as it is, exposing her whole picture of inner world together. In the most cases, a particular experiences of an artist would add an extra depth of eight to his artworks, it would increase an additional gloss of an artistic value. In this connection, artist Rhee Jeong-Yoen, though she may be happily managing her life at present, might had led a lonely and painful life in the past.

△글=김종근 미술평론가(Kim Jong-Keun/Art Critic)

권동철 미술칼럼니스트

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