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09.14 (토)

Korea sets goal to secure 59 key semiconductor technologies

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Courtesy of FuriosaAI

<이미지를 클릭하시면 크게 보실 수 있습니다>

The South Korean government unveiled Tuesday a bold plan to secure 59 key future technologies in the semiconductor sector over the next 10 years.

The Ministry of Science and ICT announced the Advanced Semiconductor Future Technology Roadmap.

As part of its strategy to maintain a leading position in the semiconductor industry, the government will target the development of next-generation memory devices using materials such as ferroelectrics and magnetics.

Korea will also prioritize the creation of foundational design technologies for artificial intelligence (AI) and power semiconductors, aiming to expand its presence in the system semiconductor market.

With global competition increasingly centered on ultra-miniaturization in semiconductor processing, the country is now focusing on advancing these critical processing technologies.

“This roadmap will bring together the government, academia, and industry to concentrate their research and development efforts to meet these objectives,” said Hwang Pan-sik, Director of the R&D Policy Office at the Ministry of Science and ICT.
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