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05.11 (토)

Korea’s bakery brand Paris Baguette ranks 25th most influential franchise in U.S.

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[Photo provided by SPC Group]

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South Korea’s bakery brand Paris Baguette ranked 25th in the 2022 Franchise 500 Ranking in the United States, jumping 13 notches from a year ago. The ranking, first released in 1999, is announced annually by the U.S.-based influential magazine Franchise Times. Since its inroad into the American market in 2005, Paris Baguette has opened 100 shops across the county, with most stores in major commercial districts, including Times Square, Manhattan, New York and LA. More than 80% of which are operated as franchises. It also plans to open 100 stores in Canada by 2030.

[ⓒ Maeil Business Newspaper & mk.co.kr, All rights reserved]
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