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[AsiaNet] 2019 World Internet of Things (IoT) Exposition is held in Wuxi

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On September 7, at the 2019 World IoT Exposition, children experienced IoV smart driving.

AsiaNet 80420

(NANJING, China, Sept. 9, 2019 AsiaNet=연합뉴스) From September 7 to 10, the 2019 World Internet of Things (IoT) Exposition is held in Wuxi, the shore of Taihu Lake, according to World Internet of Things News Center.

On September 8, at the site of Exposition, the wonderful items could be seen everywhere. At the driverless car zone, the car dashboard displayed traffic information, red light and road congestion warning in real time. The driver could leave steering wheel all the way. The car will automatically drive, offering you a Self-journey.

In the "City of IoT" Wuxi, the IoT elements is everywhere.

In the HLA smart warehouse, the goods pile up like mountains, but the workers don't need to worry. Because of the IoT technology, now it is no longer "people search for goods", but "goods search for people". The clothes can automatically be packaged. A vineyard, using 5G+ IoT technology, can be controlled by a mobile phone to water and compost. Growing grapes is as convenient as playing online farming games.

Whether in life or industry, the IoT technology is bringing unprecedented changes, smart pension, smart home, smart logistics, smart medical care... Wuxi's display and practice tell people that the IoT has outlined new prospects for high-quality development.

For ten years, Wuxi has risen to a new peak in the IoT industry. More than 2,000 IoT-related enterprises have successively gathered in the demonstration area to create the industry chain of related chips, sensing devices, network communications, smart hardware and application services. Last year, Wuxi's IoT industry income reached 263.87 billion yuan, and its output value was close to one-half of Jiangsu's province.

For ten years, Wuxi has operated a smart city. More than 300 demonstration projects, 21 national-level demonstration projects, the world's first urban-level Internet of Vehicle (IoV) project, the country's first IoV pilot area, 2018 "Top 20 Global Smart Cities"... Liu Wenqiang, vice president of the CCID, said that Wuxi has set an example for the scale application of the national IoT.

"How to develop the IoT in the future - look at China, Jiangsu, and Wuxi." Someone said that the decade of Wuxi is also the decade of Jiangsu. Through ten years of practice, Wuxi has formed an IoT industry pattern that leads development and affects the country.

Source: World Internet of Things News Center

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