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10.14 (월)

Liberty Korea Party, the Attack of the Pro-Parks

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The Liberty Korea Party is unable to move one step forward, entangled in conflicts between the pro-Park (Park Geun-hye) and non-Park members, with reforms nowhere in sight. The party's acting leader and floor leader Kim Sung-tae, who presented reform measures, is facing pressure from the pro-Park members to step down.

In a debate hosted by a senior member of the party to discuss reforms among the conservatives, one person even denied the legitimacy of the impeachment of former President Park Geun-hye.

On the morning of June 21, the Liberty Korea Party held a meeting of the party's lawmakers and engaged in a fierce debate for five hours and thirty minutes. The lawmakers ate a late lunch of gimbap and sandwiches at the meeting hall, but still failed to reach a conclusion. During the meeting, Kim said, "If we struggle to live, we shall perish. If we cut out the diseased area despite the pain, if we personally greet this painful opportunity, we shall live," and sought support for the so-called 밙im Sung-tae reform measures,

▶ 경향신문 SNS [트위터] [페이스북]
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