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07.01 (월)

NeonPunch, 'Beauty model' selected… Even before the debut?

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[MHN] Group NeonPunch has been selected as a beauty brand model even before their debut.

On 19th, Management company A100entertainment announced that, "NeonPunch recently has been selected as an official model of the cosmetic brand DPC, and successfully finished their advertisement filming."

Also, it has been known 'Idol view label' concept will be reveal for the first time among beauty brands.

NeonPunch said, "We are interested on base makeup and prefer cushion type products enable speedy and simple makeup," and added, "We are thrilled to be selected as DPC model."

On the other hand, NeonPunch showed their charms through 'NeonPunch Idol condition'. With the competition among trainees, final members Da-yeon, Tae-ri, Baek-A, May, E-An has selected and confronting their debut on May.

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