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10.15 (화)

[#MeToo] Kim Eo-jun, "Interest in MB Is Dying," Another #MeToo Conspiracy Theory

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Kim Eo-jun (50, head of Ddanzi Ilbo, photo) raised another conspiracy theory concerning the #MeToo campaign. Kim's repeated mention of a political scheme has drawn criticism that he is trying to dismiss the #MeToo campaign and silence the victims.

In a video of the fourteenth episode of the podcast, DAS Voiida (Looking at DAS), uploaded on March 11, Kim said, "I warned of a conspiracy, because there are obviously people who want to take advantage of the #MeToo campaign in their scheme," and "From Ahn Hee-jung to Bong dosa (former lawmaker Chung Bong-gu)... His Excellency Lee Myung-bak is disappearing (from public interest)." He further said, "The gender issue has always been complicated and difficult, not just in our country, but worldwide from the past to the present. That is why if people who scheme for power jump in, the essence is lost and we are left with just the scheme."

Kim mentioned JTBC, which first reported allegations of sexual assault concerning Ahn Hee-jung, former governor of Chungcheongnam-do and said, "JTBC should be applauded for making the gender issue into a social agenda." However he added, "But recently, people are complaining about JTBC. Anyone can be criticized, but why do they show people from only one particular side? Why do they show actors from only certain films?" "Apparently, they (allegations) only concern one side. Apart from this, the expos

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