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10.09 (수)

Online store selling BTS items crash down due to heavy traffic

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SEOUL, Jan. 15 (Aju News) -- Countless fans seeking to buy BTS character items rushed to an online store but they had to turn back because the store's website crashed down due to a server traffic overload.

LINE Friends, a global messaging app brand known for various character items, saw an unexpected server crash Monday when it opened a "BT21" window to sell character items. The website had been inaccessible for several hours.

Helped by LINE Friends, the group has been involved in sketching and designing character items. The BT21 items including clothing, plush toys and fountain pen gift sets were originally released through an exclusive retailer in Seoul and a LINE flagship store in New York last month.

The offline stores were very popular and LINE had to limit the number of purchasable items for each visitor. Last week, LINE opened another flagship store in Itaewon, Seoul's must-visit tourist spot. To get an entrance ticket, visitors had to wait in long queue for several hours.
Park Sae-jin Reporter swatchsjp@ajunews.com

Park Sae-jin swatchsjp@ajunews.com

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