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Samsung’s modular TV becomes the top award-winning product at 2018 CES

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CES 2018 Samsung Electronics The Wall booth

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Samsung Electronics said on Monday its world’s first modular TV ‘The Wall’ has received 41 prestigious awards at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2018 in Las Vegas, becoming the most awarded single brand of the year.

The micro LED technology-based TV won 41 awards including a CES Best of Innovation award and Best of CES awards from influential media including USA Today, the Wall Street Journal and the BGR.

Samsung’s The Wall booth was packed with visitors during the exhibition, said a company official.

Reviewed.com, a part of USA TODAY that publishes content on award-winning products, picked the Wall as one of the Best of CES, saying the modular structure TV is wonderful as it allows people to design their own TV.

Samsung Electronics won a total of 116 awards at the CES, including last year’s 36 CES Innovation Awards sponsored by the Consumer Technology Association (CTA), the owner and organizer of CES, and 80 awards from global media companies during the exhibition, the company said.

Samsung’s award-winning products include Family Hub Refrigerator equipped with stronger artificial and Internet of Things functions, Notebook PEN, an innovative notebook and tablet product with S Pen and a 360 revolving touch screen, and Samsung Flip, a new concept digital flip chart.

[ⓒ Maeil Business Newspaper & mk.co.kr, All rights reserved]
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