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25th World Knowledge Forum closes with calls for coexistence

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The 25th World Knowledge Forum, organized by Maeil Business Newspaper under the theme “Journey towards Coexistence,” concluded its three-day event on Wednesday. Global scholars and experts highlighted a shared optimism about the future despite current political and economic challenges. Below are 10 key insights shared by experts on the path to humanity’s coexistence and prosperity.

1. Solidarity Matters

University of Oxford professor Ian Goldin emphasized that in this new era of globalization, in which technologies and ideas move across borders, countries are deeply interconnected. He warned that global challenges such as climate change, pandemics and financial crises require international cooperation and urged nations to look beyond their own interests.

2. Reduce Dependence on China

Robin Niblett, Distinguished Fellow at Chatham House, cautioned that heavy reliance on the Chinese market poses risks amid the new U.S.-China Cold War. He advised South Korean companies to diversify their supply chains away from China.

3. State Should Lead in the Chip Race

Tufts University’s Chris Miller highlighted the global competition for semiconductor supremacy, with governments recognizing that advanced chips are critical to economic and political power while also emphasizing the role of the state in the global chip race.

4. Time to Invest Amid U.S. Economy’s Soft Landing

Blackstone Inc. President Jon Gray argued that the U.S. economy is poised for a soft landing amid global economic transitions. He urged investors to focus on long-term trends such as artificial intelligence (AI) and aging demographics rather than short-term political or economic uncertainties.

5. Economic Prosperity Follows Tax Cuts

Arthur Laffer, Chairman of Laffer Associates, noted a historical trend where U.S. economic recovery followed tax cuts while tax hikes led to recessions. He warned against excessive tax increases, which could hinder economic growth during downturns.

6. Recognize the Limits of Populism

Former Argentine President Mauricio Macri pointed out that while Argentina has recognized the limits of populism and is moving away from it, many other countries are moving toward it. He advised caution about the rise of populism, especially in countries that have achieved rapid development such as Korea.

7. New Infrastructure Needed for Decarbonization

Kim Hyo-eun, former Climate Change Ambassador of South Korea, called for new value chains and infrastructure to achieve industrial decarbonization. She emphasized the need for governments to build ecosystems conducive to decarbonization and to support companies in reaching this goal.

8. Increase Use of AI

New York University President Linda Mills argued that debates about the benefits and threats of AI are now pointless. She emphasized the need to focus on how AI can be used to benefit humanity.

9. Blockchain Will Break Big Tech’s Wealth Monopoly

Hashed Inc. CEO Kim Seo-joon highlighted blockchain’s potential to disrupt big tech’s wealth dominance, envisioning a digital landscape where blockchain empowers all participants and eliminates arbitrary control.

10. Citizens Must Lead in Combat Against Fake News

Audrey Tang, former Digital Minister of Taiwan, introduced Taiwan’s citizen-driven fact-checking system, as well as highlighting the importance of collective intelligence in tackling misinformation and politically motivated fake news.
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