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[PRNewswire] Azentio Software, IBSi Global FinTech Innovation Awards 2023 수상

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-- 두 개 부문에서 수상 영광을 안아

-- 파키스탄의 Summit Bank와 UAE의 Vision Bank와의 영향력 있는 협업 결과를 인정받다

싱가포르 2023년 12월 11일 /PRNewswire=연합뉴스/ -- 오늘 Apax Partners[https://www.apax.com/ ]가 자문하는 펀드들이 지분을 소유한 싱가포르의 기술 기업 Azenio Software[https://www.azentio.com/?utm_source=press_release&utm_medium=emailer&utm_campaign=IBSi_Global_FinTech_Innovation_Awards_2023&utm_content=redirect_link ]가 저명한 시상식인 제5회 IBS Intelligence (IBSi) Global FinTech Innovation Awards 2023에서 두 개 상을 수상했다고 발표했다. 공식 시상식은 최근 뭄바이에서 열린 Cedar-IBSi Summit on Digital & Core Banking에서 진행되었다.

Azentio는 IBS Intelligence Global FinTech Innovation Awards 2023의 두 부문에서 수상의 영광을 안았다. 'Best Islamic Banking Implementation: Best Project Implementation'은 파키스탄 Summit Bank Limited와의 협업, 'Best Transaction Banking Implementation: Best Adopted Tools and Practices'은 아랍 에미리트(UAE)의 Vision Bank와의 협업을 인정받은 결과이다. 두 부문 모두 Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI)의 인증을 최초로 받은 Azentio의 이슬람 뱅킹 플랫폼인 iMAL[https://www.azentio.com/onebanking/imal-islamic-banking/?utm_source=press_release&utm_medium=emailer&utm_campaign= IBSi_Global_FinTech_Innovation_Awards_2023&utm_content=redirect_link ]의 결과 중심 구현을 강조했다.

Global FinTech Innovation Awards는 신흥 기술을 활용해 혁신적인 성과를 거둔 은행, 금융 기관 및 기술 기업을 치하하는 시상식이다. 이번에는 30개 부문에 걸쳐 혁신적이고 영향력 있는 성과를 보여준 49개국 250여 후보가 접수되었다.

IBS Intelligence의 Nikhil Gokhale 연구 및 디지털 자산 부문 이사는 Azentio의 수상을 축하하면서 "Azenio는 충분한 수상 자격을 보여줬다. Summit Bank와 Azentio의 여정은 기술 혁신과 전략적 구현의 조화를 상징한다. 이를 통해 이슬람 원칙에 부합할 뿐만 아니라 효율성, 제어 및 고객 중심 시대에 맞는 은행 환경을 촉진하는 뱅킹 운영을 실현했다. 한편 Vision Bank의 성공적인 iMAL Core Banking 구현은 타사 디지털 플랫폼과 원활하게 통합되었다. 이는 은행이 기업 거래 고객 서비스 분야에서 보여준 전략적 도약을 반영한다. 또한 해당 프로젝트의 민첩성, 세부 계획 수립 및 거버넌스는 효율성, 혁신 및 클라이언트 중심을 향한 Azentio의 노력을 강조한다"고 말했다.

Agentio의 L Guru Raghavendran 뱅킹 및 자본 시장 부문 수석 부사장은 "이슬람 뱅킹은 지속적으로 자산 기반을 확장하며 경쟁력 있는 시장으로 부상하고 있다. 이와 같은 시기에 지역 내 주요 이슬람 은행인 Summit Bank 및 Vision Bank와 협력할 수 있게 되어 기쁘다. 이를 통해 손쉬운 접근성, 지속적인 제품 혁신, 엄격한 규제 준수 및 거버넌스를 바탕으로 이들의 디지털 경쟁 및 금융 포용 목표 달성을 지원하고자 한다. Agentio의 iMAL Core Banking 솔루션을 선택한 Summit Bank와 Vision Bank, 그리고 권위 있는 상을 수여한 IBS Intelligence에 진심으로 감사의 인사를 전한다"고 말했다.

Azentio는 IBSi Sales League Table (SLT) 2023의 Leadership Club에서 다양한 범주에 걸쳐 우수한 평가를 받았으며 Product Breadth, Islamic Banking I Retail Lending(Azentio ONEBanking[https://www.azentio.com/onebanking/?utm_source=press_release&utm_medium=emailer_onebanking&utm_campaign=IBSi_Global_FinTech_Innovation_Awards_2023&utm_content=redirect_link ] 플랫폼), Process Automation / BPM(Azentio Islamic Banking 제품군) 및 Insurtech Solutions(Azentio ONEInsurance[https://www.azentio.com/oneinsurance/?utm_source=press_release&utm_medium=emailer_onebanking&utm_campaign=IBSi_Global_FinTech_Innovation_Awards_2023&utm_content=redirect_link ] 플랫폼)에서 1위를 차지했다.

로고: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1978771/Azentio_Logo.jpg


출처: Azentio Software Pvt Ltd

Azentio Software wins double honours at IBSi Global FinTech Innovation Awards 2023

-- Awards recognize ' I mpact-Generating Implementations' at Summit Bank, Pakistan and Vision Bank, UAE

SINGAPORE Dec 11, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Azentio Software[https://www.azentio.com/?utm_source=press_release&utm_medium=emailer&utm_campaign=IBSi_Global_FinTech_Innovation_Awards_2023&utm_content=redirect_link ] ("Azentio"), a Singapore-headquartered technology firm owned by funds advised by Apax Partners[https://www.apax.com/ ], today announced that it won two awards at the 5th edition of the prestigious IBS Intelligence (IBSi) Global FinTech Innovation Awards 2023. The awards were formally presented at the Cedar-IBSi Summit on Digital & Core Banking, recently held in Mumbai.

Azentio won the awards for 'Best Islamic Banking Implementation: Best Project Implementation' for its work with Summit Bank Limited, Pakistan; and for 'Best Transaction Banking Implementation: Best Adopted Tools and Practices' for its work with Vision Bank, United Arab Emirates (UAE). Both awards honoured the outcome-driven implementations of iMAL[https://www.azentio.com/onebanking/imal-islamic-banking/?utm_source=press_release&utm_medium=emailer&utm_campaign= IBSi_Global_FinTech_Innovation_Awards_2023&utm_content=redirect_link ], Azentio's Islamic Banking platform and the first to be certified by the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI).

The Global FinTech Innovation Awards seek to honour banks, financial institutions, and technology players for their excellence in innovations using emerging technologies. The latest edition recognized the most innovative and impact-generating implementations in 30 categories, with over 250 nominations received from 49 countries.

Applauding Azentio on winning the accolades, Nikhil Gokhale, Director - Research & Digital Properties at IBS Intelligence, said, "Congratulations to Azentio for their well-deserved wins. Summit Bank's journey with Azentio represents a harmonious blend of technological innovation and strategic implementation, resulting in banking operations that are not only compliant with Islamic principles but also propel the bank into an era of efficiency, control, and customer-centricity. Meanwhile, the successful implementation of iMAL Core Banking solution at Vision Bank, seamlessly integrated with third-party digital platforms, reflects a strategic leap for the bank in serving its corporate trade customers. The project's agility, meticulous planning, and governance, underscore a commitment to efficiency, innovation, and client-centricity."

L Guru Raghavendran, Senior Vice President, Banking & Capital Markets at Azentio, stated, "Islamic banking is steadily expanding its assets base and growing to be a competitive market. In such times, we are proud to partner with Summit Bank and Vision Bank, two major Islamic banks in the region, helping them compete digitally and meet their financial inclusion objectives with easier access, continuous product innovation and stringent compliance and governance. Our sincerest appreciation goes to both Summit Bank and Vision Bank for choosing Azentio's iMAL Core Banking solution, and to IBS Intelligence for honouring us with these coveted awards."

It is worth noting here that Azentio had achieved top positions in multiple categories in the exclusive Leadership Club of IBSi Sales League Table (SLT) 2023, securing Number One rankings for Product Breadth; Islamic Banking I Retail Lending (for the Azentio ONEBanking[https://www.azentio.com/onebanking/?utm_source=press_release&utm_medium=emailer_onebanking&utm_campaign=IBSi_Global_FinTech_Innovation_Awards_2023&utm_content=redirect_link ] platform); Process Automation / BPM (for the Azentio Islamic Banking suite); and Insurtech Solutions (for the Azentio ONEInsurance[https://www.azentio.com/oneinsurance/?utm_source=press_release&utm_medium=emailer_onebanking&utm_campaign=IBSi_Global_FinTech_Innovation_Awards_2023&utm_content=redirect_link ] platform)

Logo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1978771/Azentio_Logo.jpg


Source: Azentio Software Pvt Ltd

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출처 : PRNewswire 보도자료
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