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05.22 (수)

CJ Logistics involved in development of logistics robots to ease manual work

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SEOUL -- CJ Logistics, a logistics business wing of South Korea's CJ Group, has been selected for a state project to develop an unmanned working system that would ease hard and repetitive manual work at courier service companies. Robots will be utilized to develop two types of technologies.

CJ Logistics said that a system to automatically unload and transport cargo piled up in a scattered form in transport vehicles will be developed by 2024. Research and development involve STC Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University and CJ Logistics.

A robot palletizing system that categorizes randomly supplied boxes will be developed by 2022 with the participation of Sungkyunkwan University, CJ Logistics, CNI and Gachisoft. CJ Logistics will first introduce developed technologies and consider exporting them to foreign companies.

A coronavirus epidemic sent many people staying in their homes. Social distancing, an act of not engaging in social activities or not visiting populated places, has settled as a social trend with delivery services gaining popularity to haze deliverymen and workers at logistics warehouse centers.

CJ Logistics has adopted a virtual artificial intelligence assistance system to improve service quality and efficiency by delivery workers. According to the Korea Integrated Logistics Association, South Korea's logistics market has grown fast thanks to the thriving ecommerce industry. CJ Logistics dominates the market with its share standing at 48 percent.

CJ Logistics' high market share has caused a heavy burden to delivery workers who should conduct parcel delivery and customer services. DHL, a global logistics company, regards big-data driven AI as a game changer as it can be used to optimize delivery routes, detect financial anomalies, predict risk factors and manage cargo capacity.

Lim Chang-won Reporter cwlim34@ajunews.com

Lim Chang-won cwlim34@ajunews.com

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