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[PRNewswire] GameChange Solar Receives Orders For 200 MW Of Genius Tracker™

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Systems For South America

(NEW YORK, Dec. 14, 2019 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) GameChange Solar today announced the receipt of orders for over 200 MW of Genius Tracker(TM) systems for South America. The first system has started shipping this month. GameChange's experienced field service local support teams enable successful and rapid completion of large utility-scale powerplant construction and commissioning globally.

Arturo Herrero, Chief Business Development Officer at GameChange Solar, stated: "We are excited to have been selected for these important projects in the LATAM market. As the global quality leader for single axis trackers, we anticipate continued significant growth into leading markets worldwide. These projects push us over 3 GW of orders received in 2019."

Media Contact: Derick Botha +1 (212) 388-5166 derick.botha@gamechangesolar.com

Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1044865/GameChange_Solar___Genius_Tracker_South_America.jpg

Source: GameChange Solar

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