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[PRNewswire] Demand for Climate Action Announced As Earth Day 2020 Theme for

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50th Anniversary Year

-- Major Initiatives Planned Include Global Electoral Mobilization Through 'Vote Earth' Campaign and Largest Citizen Science Engagement in History

(WASHINGTON, April 22, 2019 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) The countdown to Earth Day 2020 is underway with its organizers―the Earth Day Network―announcing climate action as the overarching theme throughout this landmark 50th anniversary year.

"Climate change represents the biggest challenge to humanity's future and the systems that make our world habitable," said Kathleen Rogers, Earth Day Network President.

"2020 has to be the year of transformative change that seizes the positive action underway and makes it bigger and bolder worldwide," she said.

"Together, we can unite to build a movement that is inclusive, ambitious, and impossible to ignore," Rogers said.

A raft of individual action campaigns launch today, including:

Vote Earth [https://www.earthday.org/campaigns/voteearth/ ]

2019 and 2020 will see 60+ national elections and thousands of regional, provincial, and city elections worldwide.

Vote Earth calls on citizens, particularly young and first-time voters, to examine the environmental platforms of their candidates and vote at the ballot box for candidates with clear, ambitious, and convincing plans to protect our planet.

Earth Challenge 2020 [https://www.earthday.org/earthchallenge2020getinvolvedii/ ]

Earth Challenge 2020 will empower everyday individuals to join the largest-ever global citizen science initiative to report on environmental health.

With partners including the Wilson Center, US State Department, and Esri, and support from tech giants like Amazon, the Earth Challenge 2020 app will be launched in early 2020.

The findings of this initiative will be uploaded to scientific networks to improve our understanding of the health of our world, with dual goals of triggering government policy shifts while arming citizens with better and more convincing facts.

Billion Acts of Green

Earth Day Network will relaunch its flagship platform - Billion Acts of Green - with a 2020 goal of 3.5 billion actions taken, logged, and aggregated around the world.

Great Global Cleanup

Through a unified campaign including mobile registration, digital mapping and social media, the Great Global Cleanup will connect partners and participants around the globe to remove billions of pieces of trash from our green spaces, urban communities, and waterways. Data collected will help build a better understanding of the sources, scope, and solutions to our waste problem.

Logo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/874923/Earth_Day_Network_Logo.jpg

Source: Earth Day Network

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