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09.27 (금)

Samsung Elec launches customized automotive chip series

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[Photo provided by Samsung Electronics Co.]

<이미지를 클릭하시면 크게 보실 수 있습니다>

South Korea’s chipmaking behemoth Samsung Electronics Co. is out to take on the memory and system chips powering automobiles in the age of future mobility where vehicles are envisioned to become driverless and electricity driven.

The world’s largest memory chipmaker showcased its latest automotive solutions - the ‘Exynos Auto’ processor and ‘ISOCELL Auto’ image sensor - at the International Suppliers Fair (IZB) 2018 in Wolfsburg, Germany on Tuesday.

Exynos is Samsung Electronics’ mobile system-on-chip brand launched in 2011. Last year, it rolled out ISOCELL, its advanced image sensor technology.

“Automotive semiconductors are held up to a higher standard in terms of user environment and product longevity compared to chips that go into mobile devices,” said a Samsung Electronics official. “Our products have passed stringent quality tests to deliver the best driving performance.”

The new models are expected to be available from the year-end, according to the company.

Exynos Auto comes in three types depending on the areas of use, with the V series for infotainment systems, the A series for advanced driver assistance systems and the T series for telematic systems.

ISOCELL Auto was designed to minimize interference between the pixels so that the sensors can identify in real time the changes in road conditions and the surrounding environment, such as when a car goes through rapid shifts in lighting as it passes through a tunnel.

[ⓒ Maeil Business Newspaper & mk.co.kr, All rights reserved]
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