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10.14 (월)

Asiana Airline’s flight from Istanbul plane delayed after crashing into a Turkish plane

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Asiana flight damaged after collision in Istanbul airport. [Youtube]

A plane of Asiana Airlines Inc. collided with a jet of Turkish Airlines parked at Istanbul’s Ataturk International Airport on Sunday (local time), but no injuries have been reported.

Asiana Airlines’ Airbus A330 slammed into the tail of Turkish Airlines’ Airbus A321 at the runway as it readied takeoff from Istanbul to Incheon, causing a fire on the Turkish plane.

The accident caused damages on the right wing of Asiana’s plane carrying 236 passengers and the stabilizer of the Turkish plane with 217 passengers, but no one was hurt, according to the two airlines.

They have launched an investigation to probe the exact cause of the accident.

Asiana Airlines said it offered accommodations at nearby hotels to its passengers and immediately allocated a substitute jet to minimize customer inconvenience. The passengers will be brought home by Tuesday.

[ⓒ Maeil Business Newspaper & mk.co.kr, All rights reserved]
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