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06.17 (월)

Yubin Shares the Start of Her Solo Career, 'Other Members Gave Me the Confidence Boost' (PHOTO)

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[MHN] Yubin's captivating photoshoots will be out in the May issue of 'COSMOPOLITAN'.

Shot in Los Angeles, Yubin exuded her bae-like charms throughout the whole photoshoots. Sharing one of her biggest concerns in life now being her solo album, the artist said, "Since it's my first solo album ever since my debut, I had to contemplate over a lot of things. It took me a full year to get to know my colors and study about myself."


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She also showed love to her Wondergirls members saying, "Seeing other members doing their work had me amazed, feeling proud, but also staying motivated. It also gave me a confidence boost too. I've gained that confidence that I could show my own character as Yubin, not a Wondergirls member."

When asked if she was happy about life, "I wasn't happy about my life before, but I think I've always made the best decision I could back then. Even if I do regret things, I now even love those moments too. Thanks to those choices I was able to experience a lot in life and meet a lot of people, do a lot of work. That's why I'm really happy with the moments I have now."


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Yubin is now in works of her first-ever solo album.

The full interview of Yubin will be out in 'COSMOPOLITAN's May issue and on the magazine's official website.

[Translated by_Gen_E]

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