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07.01 (월)

[K-BIZ] Evolving 'Smart Toy'

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Toys, widely regarded as objects to play with, have been evolving at an incredible pace.

A kid robot, which is moving forward with input commands, gives off a charm by changing its facial expressions.

The robot also gives a warm greeting after recognizing its owner through a camera mounted on its front.

Users of this artificial intelligence (AI)-based robot can easily learn coding, or programming, that makes it possible for us to create computer software, apps and websites.

[Shin Jae-Gwang, CEO of smart toy company]
"This product is a 'smart toy' which makes children interested in what is happening to them and helps them settle the situation. This also instills confidence in the children and enhance their creativity."

The 'smart toy' market is rapidly growing while the world's conventional toy market is being reduced.

Advanced WiFi and microphone technologies have allowed humans to enrich and improve their communication even with dolls.

The educational use of smart toys has been enabled in the fields of coding and foreign language study.

The global "smart toy" market is expected to grow to 10 trillion won this year.

The rapidly-growing AI and voice-recognition technologies will help accelerate the popularization of smart toys.

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[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN PLUS 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
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