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10.12 (토)

Samsung’s Galaxy S9 receives tepid pre-orders than predecessor

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Samsung Electronics Co.’s latest flagship Galaxy S9 series, with focus on visual and app features instead of a hardware upgrade, were met with lackluster initial consumer response at home.

Galaxy S9 received 180,000 pre-orders as of Sunday in the first three days, compared with 260,000 all-time high first-day preorders for Galaxy S8 series a year ago.

Samsung Electronics shrugged off the early order performance, saying it did not have enough time for market promotion after the unpacking event last week, but nevertheless is suspected of subsidizing wireless carriers and retailers to promote its new phones.

Galaxy S9 series received poorer reviews from consumers as they were disappointed by the lack of differences from the predecessor that had already been mounted with latest innovations including voice-activated artificial intelligence.

A Galaxy S9 of 64GB capacity, whose original price is set at 957,000 won ($899), is selling for 490,000 won to 690,000 won, according to industry sources. Legitimate subsidies are capped at 290,000 won but some vendors are said to be subsidizing up to 450,000 won.

[ⓒ Maeil Business Newspaper & mk.co.kr, All rights reserved]
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