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06.21 (금)

'Turandot, The Musical', First Korean Musical to Go Europe!

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[MHN Jungjun.Seo]

'Turandot, The Musical' will be going all the way to Europe!

At the Daegu International Musical Festival(DIMF), a fastly growing Asian Musical platform and worldly-renown Musical Festival, the National Theatre of Slovakia, 'Divadlo Nová scéna' has agreed to sign 'Turandot, The Musical' to perform in Europe.

Scoring it's highest participants in history this year, the DIMF directors visited five different countries in Europe last month to open doors for musicals all over the world.


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As an outcome, DIMF is now in the final steps of proceeding the contract for a European tour of 'Turandot, The Musical' beginning at Slovakia's National Theatre 'Divadlo Nová scéna' and in other European nations such as Czech Republic, Hungary, etc.

Many European Musicals such as 'Hamlet', 'Jack, the Ripper' were beloved by the Korean audience but an original musical piece from Korea has never set foot to Europe, making 'Turandot, The Musical' to be the first exported Korean musical.

Opened in 1945 according to a new culture plan by the Slovakian government after World War 2, 'Divadlo Nová scéna' has been producing musicals and been showing international musicals ranging from 'Cats', 'Romeo and Juliet', etc. now being Slovakia's biggest theatre.

Aiming to perform in Eastern Europe such as Slovakia, Czech Republic, and Hungary, this deal includes a production plan of 'Turandot, The Musical' with 'Divadlo Nová scéna' over the 2019~2020 season.


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'Divadlo Nová scéna' was deeply moved by the Korean musical in sharing the same title from the famous opera, and after watching the musical at last year's DIMF. Many European actors have already been reaching out in wanting to know how to be part of the newly coming musical.

As it being a globally-planned production, 'Turandot, The Musical' will be shipping out to Europe before touring around close Asian countries like China.

Along with the Europe license deal, 'Turandot, The Musical' will be a bridge in connecting the relationship between Korea and Slovakia as well.


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DIMF's board member Mr. Bae Sung Hyuk said, "I'm very happy to announce 'Turandot, The Musical's Europe tour. Hope to keep on and push through with more deals around the world and confirm the upcoming 2019 performance in Taiwan as well. Hope 2018 will be a booming year for this production."


Translated by_Gen_E

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