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09.29 (일)

Perfect chocolate for Valentine's Day next year created and it is pink

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There is now a new hue added to the classic white, milky brown, and dark brown hues of the chocolate world. It is pink!

The world largest cocoa producer, Barry Callebaut from Zurich, Switzerland, debuted its pink chocolate in Shanghai on Tuesday. It is not artificially colored or flavored, and is referred as "ruby chocolate". The last new chocolate developed was 80 years ago by Nestle SA. The white chocolate was a huge hit at the time.

The chocolate market has been struggling for years internationally and this new development may boost the sales.

The pink chocolate has the flavor of "berry-fruitness and luscious smoothness", according to its developer. This new naturally pink colored chocolate may be the new strongest seller on Valentine's Day globally.

Because it is all natural product, this chocolate may be the new favorite indulgence item featured by health bloggers and food bloggers on social media.

It is unknown when the ruby chocolate will be released officially.

In a phone interview with Bloomberg, Barry Callebaut CEO proudly said, "It's natural, it's colorful, it's hedonistic, there's an indulgence aspect to it, but it keeps the authenticity of chocolate. It has a nice balance that speaks a lot to millennials."

The ruby chocolate's secret is based on a special type of cocoa bean that has been researched and developed for a long time. It took about a decade for the developer to perfect the pink chocolate. The beans used for the ruby chocolate are from Ivory Coast, Ecuador, and Brazil. The pink hue appears during the extracting process and no artificial additives are used.

Kwak, Min Jung = abiel@ajunews.com
KwakMin-jung 기자 abiel@ajunews.com

KwakMin-jung abiel@ajunews.com

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