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06.17 (월)

Surprise Overnight Placement of THAAD Missiles: Defense Ministry Hits the People from Behind

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US Forces Korea placed the equipment for the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system at the Seongju Golf Course in Gyeongsangbuk-do in the early hours of April 26. They are expected to soon test run the 2-3 missile launchers, fire-control radar, and engagement control station, which were put in place this day. The U.S. military also brought in a Patriot missile launcher.


Placement of the THAAD Launchers: On April 26, launchers for the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) interceptors are placed in the Seongju Golf Course in Soseong-ri, Chojeo-myeon in Seongju-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do. The South Korean and U.S. authorities brought key equipment into the golf course in the early hours this day and are speculated to have brought in 2-3 launchers. Courtesy of Maeil Shinmun

The placement of the equipment was carried out suddenly six days after South Korea and the U.S. agreed to the supply of land for the THAAD missiles on April 20. The latest action not only goes against the defense ministry's statement, which made it clear that it was impossible to bring in the equipment before the May 9 presidential election, but it is also fueling controversy for the government omitted an environmental impact assessment of the site and assaulted residents in the process of bringing in the equipment.

The government practically executed a military operation, placing over eight thousand police officers to cut off access to roads leading to the Seongju Golf Course from midnight to 7-8 a.m. this day in order to bring in the equipment. This day, the U.S. military placed key equipment including 2-3 THAAD missile launchers, a fire-control radar, and an engagement control station in the golf course. US Forces plan to secure their initial operational capability by conducting a test run of the equipment in the near future. That will give them the capability to intercept missiles. The THAAD system is expected to be in full operation sometime next month.

On the US Force's placement of the THAAD equipment, the defense ministry announced, "They were brought in to first secure operational capability." The government also explained that apart from the placement of the THAAD missiles, they will carry out normal procedures relevant to the introduction of the new system, such as an environmental impact assessment and the construction of necessary facilities. Pentagon announced that the latest action was to quickly conclude the placement of the THAAD interceptors in response to North Korea's nuclear and missile threats.

However, on April 17, Moon Sang-gyun, the spokesperson for the Ministry of National Defense, said, "Given the current progress, we don't believe it will be easy to conclude the matter any time soon." On April 20, he said, "We still have follow-up measures such as the environmental impact assessment even after completing the process of supplying the site for the THAAD missiles according to the ROK-US Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA)," but his words turned out to be "lies." Given that the U.S. military pushed ahead with the placement of the interceptors with the presidential election approaching reveals that they plan to place the THAAD missiles regardless of the outcome of the election.

Residents who tried to block the military from bringing in the THAAD equipment strongly resisted, engaging in a physical clash with the police after attempting to enter the road to the golf course. In the process, twelve residents suffered injuries뾣ractures of the ribs and wrist, as well as bruises뾞nd one was arrested by the police. Park Su-gyu, head of the situation room of a Seongju residents committee against the placement of the THAAD system said, "We will not succumb to the placement of the equipment, but continue our peaceful protest. We will protest the defense ministry and pressure the presidential candidates to clearly state their position on the placement of the THAAD missiles."

Presidential candidates Moon Jae-in of the Minjoo Party of Korea and Ahn Cheol-soo of the People's Party expressed their regrets on the surprise placement of the THAAD equipment claiming that the government neglected due procedures and Sim Sang-jeung of the Justice Party argued that the agreement to place the THAAD missiles was "invalid." Hong Jun-pyo of the Liberty Korea Party and Yoo Seong-min of the Bareun Party welcomed the latest action.

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