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09.21 (토)

TWICE's agency declares war against cyber bullies

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JYP Entertainment, the agency of many successful K-pop artists such as Suzy, TWICE and GOT7, warned of strong legal actions to protect its artists from cyber bullying which has become a critical issue in South Korea's entertainment scene.

"We have decided to take strong legal actions against acts hurting the honor and dignity of our artists," the entertainment group said in a statement, vowing to keep a close eye on the web while receiving tips from fans.

Plagued by a malicious online onslaught, some celebrities have abandoned their career or committed suicide in extreme cases. Artists or agencies have threatened legal actions against what they called online terrorism. Solo singer IU's agency FAVE Entertainment is well known for its "No Mercy" policy over cyber bullies.

Park Sae-jin = swatchsjp@ajunews.com

박세진 swatchsjp@ajunews.com

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