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[PRNewswire] Masterpieces of the Pola Museum of Art

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-- Western Painting - French Painting from Impressionism to the Early 20th Century

KANAGAWA, Japan April 8, 2024 /PRNewswire=연합뉴스/ -- This year, 2024, marks the 150 anniversary of the First Impressionist Exhibition, held in Paris in 1874. At the Pola Museum of Art (located in Hakone, Kanagawa Prefecture; director: Noguchi Hiroko), we are currently presenting Western Painting - French Painting from Impressionism to the Early 20th Century, an exhibition drawn from the museum collection, which consists of 16 masterpieces, with a special focus on five works by Monet, and traces the vicissitudes of French painting from the Impressionists to subsequent developments.

Exhibition View of Masterpieces of the Pola Museum of Art: Western Painting - French Painting from Impressionism to the Early 20th Century

Among the artists who participated in the First Impressionist Exhibition, held in Paris in 1874, were Edouard Manet, Paul Cezanne, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Claude Monet, Berthe Morisot, Edgar Degas, and Camille Pissarro. This collection exhibition assembles important works by these artists all in one place.

Among the works on display are five by Monet, ranging from La Promenade (1875) to Water Lilies (1907). These works enable viewers to trace stylistic changes across the career of Claude Monet, an artist who created numerous works distinguished by their bright colors and captured light with his nimble brushstrokes.

In the center of Gallery 3, one of the exhibition spaces, there is a large bench that enables visitors to quietly gaze at and appreciate their favorite works. Why not treat yourself to a relaxing and luxurious time surrounded by these masterpieces of art?

Note: Renoir's Girl in a Lace Hat and La Coiffure are on view in Gallery 3 along with the Leonard Foujita: The Secret of Milky-White Skin exhibition.

Exhibition Overview

Masterpieces of the Pola Museum of Art: Western Painting - French Painting from Impressionism to the Early 20th Century

Date: Sat., December 16, 2023 to Sun., May 19, 2024

(open daily during exhibition period)

Gallery 3

Organized by the Pola Museum of Art and the Pola Art Foundation

On view simultaneously: Leonard Foujita: The Secret of Milky-White Skin

The Pola Museum of Art Collection is proud to include a number of works by Leonard Foujita (Fujita Tsuguharu), one of Japan's greatest painters. Foujita's depiction of "milky-white skin," the apex of his unique style, was all the rage among art lovers in Paris (the "City of Art") in the 1920s. This exhibition examines how Foujita developed the approach in relation to his objectives and his artistic techniques.

Date: Sat., December 16, 2023 to Sun., May 19, 2024

(open daily during exhibition period)

Gallery 3, Pola Museum of Art

About the Museum

The Pola Museum of Art opened in Hakone, Kanagawa Prefecture in 2002 based on the concept of a symbiosis between Hakone's natural beauty and art. While holding exhibitions drawn from the museum's collection, which concentrates a range of work from Impressionism to 20th-century Western painting, the museum also acquires and displays works by artists on the cutting edge of contemporary art in order to expand its horizons by including creative expressions of the current era. Visitors can also enjoy the seasonal changes of the rich natural scenery along the Nature Trial, which makes the most of the museum's location near the Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park.

Note: Free bus service to the museum from Gora Station is available on Mon., April 1, 2024.

Hours: 9:00 to 17:00 (last admission: 16:30)

Address: 1285 Kozukayama, Sengokuhara, Hakone-machi, Ashigarashimo-gun, Kanagawa Prefecture, 250-0631 Japan

Tel.: 0460-84-2111


Adults: ¥1,800

Senior discount (65 and over): ¥1,600

High school and university students: ¥1,300

Junior high and younger: Free

Visitors with disabilities (proof required) and one attendant:


All prices include sales tax. Group discounts are also available.

Source: Pola Museum of Art

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