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05.01 (수)

More Korean bankers sign up for voluntary retirement on improved packages

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<이미지를 클릭하시면 크게 보실 수 있습니다>

More South Korean bankers are choosing to leave the company amid enhanced compensation packages.

About 1,700 employees of local banks have left under the voluntary retirement program or are planning to leave this month, according to data compiled from Korea’s four major banks including Shinhan, Hana, Woori and NH NongHyup.

The number is up 30 percent from last year.

Registrations climbed after the program was extended to include young workers and the compensation benefits significantly hiked.

Some bank managers have gone home with 1 billion won ($908,000), roughly double the annual pay of the bank’s chief executive.

Shinhan Bank received 220 applications for voluntary retirement, down from last year’s 250. Woori Bank will let go 468 voluntary retirees this month, up from last year’s 326. Hana Bank saw 511 workers and NongHyup Bank 488 workers go under the program in December.

Hana Bank bolstered its special compensation package, offering average wages for 27-33 months from the previous 24-27 months. As a result, the number of applications nearly tripled to 285 from 92 in the previous year.

NongHyup Bank also saw voluntary retirees rise 37 percent to 488 this year after boosting its compensations.

[ⓒ Maeil Business Newspaper & mk.co.kr, All rights reserved]
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