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05.11 (토)

이슈 6G 주도권 전쟁

Samsung Electronics to press on with 6G exploration for wireless leadership

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Choi Sunghyun, head of Advanced Communications Research Center at Samsung Research, Samsung Electronics [Photo provided by Samsung Electronics Co.]

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Samsung Electronics Co. will pursue 6G exploration despite some doubts about the move when the 5G technology is still at fledgling stage.

“While 5G commercialization is still in its initial stage, it’s never too early to start preparing for 6G because it typically takes around 10 years from the start of research to commercialization of a new generation of communications technology,” said Choi Sunghyun, head of Advanced Communications Research Center at Samsung Research, Samsung Electronics, in his contribution article published on Samsung’s corporate website this month.

He claimed securing leadership in communication technology is first and foremost important to win the race over future technology, noting that tech innovators across the world already have taken steps to secure 6G network technology.

The South Korean tech giant earlier this month released a white paper titled “The Next Hyper-Connected Experience for All,” in which it outlined the company’s vision for 6G as “to bring the next hyper-connected experience to every corner of life.” The company said it expects the completion of the 6G standard and its earliest commercialization could come as early as 2028, with mass commercialization occurring around 2030.

Future networks would “demand capabilities that can process enormous amounts of information, which means that more powerful network equipment will be required,” Choi said, as he emphasized the importance of developing key technologies for 6G network with “long-term vision and driving global standardization.”

[ⓒ Maeil Business Newspaper & mk.co.kr, All rights reserved]
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