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09.28 (토)

Girl band MAMAOO launches new type of virtual reality concert album to mesmerize fans

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SEOUL -- Girl band MAMAMOO has released a new type of music album in a virtual reality content format using a head-mounted display to mesmerize fans with explosive performances embedded with the latest technologies.

The four-member band has collaborated with Genie, a major online music service in South Korea, to release MAMAMOO VP (virtual play), a virtual reality (VR) concert album, which hit the shelves of online stores on Tuesday.

Music fans can use Android smartphones to connect to a VR head-mounted display (HMD) to enjoy MAMAMOO's performances in a first-person view. The VR content is created in ultra-high 8K resolution in a 360-degree format.

According to Genie, the online music service will upgrade technologies used in the making of MAMAOO's VR album to provide enhanced 5G-based VR K-pop content globally.

To capture the hearts of fans, many artists try to imbue their works with new and come up with something totally new. Bjork, an Islandic singer, has released Vulnicura, a VR album that took four years to create, in September.

Vocaloid, a virtual singing character software based on voice synthesis engine created by Japanese technology company Yamaha, was first introduced in Japan in 2003. The digital singer has been upgraded and released multiple albums while holding holographic concerts.
Park Sae-jin Reporter swatchsjp@ajunews.com

Park Sae-jin swatchsjp@ajunews.com

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