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09.25 (수)

Bodyfriend partners with Swedish carmaker Koenigsegg to launch supercar brand in S. Korea

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SEOUL -- Bodyfriend, a Seoul-based massage chair maker, has partnered with Swedish carmaker Koenigsegg to launch the supercar brand in South Korea. Koenigsegg Regera, a 655-horsepower supercar, takes only 31.49 seconds to accelerate to 400 kilometers (248 miles) per hour and decrease its speed to a complete stop.

Bodyfriend said Friday that it would develop a premium supercar-themed massage chair that would resemble the luxuriousness and designs of bullet-fast futuristic designs of Koenigsegg. The company had previously received the market's attention by releasing "LBF-750", a Lamborghini-themed premium luxury massage chair priced at about 29.7 million won ($25,142) last year.
Park Sae-jin Reporter swatchsjp@ajunews.com

Park Sae-jin swatchsjp@ajunews.com

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