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[PRNewswire] Xinhua Silk Road: China's new Hongqi Cars shine at International

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Motor Show

(BEIJING, Sept. 11, 2019 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) China's leading automaker FAW Group brought the state-of-the-art models of its iconic sedan brand Hongqi to this year's International (IAA) in Frankfurt. It marks the second appearance of Hongqi brand on the world's top-level motor show since its debut on the Auto Mobil International (AMI) in Leipzig in 1960.

As the auto show comes to the tenth open day for media on Tuesday, the eighth venue was filled with visitors waiting to see the two new cars on the stage under silver cover but showing elegant outlines.

Along with dynamic music and splendid lighting, Xu Liuping, chairman of the FAW Group, unveiled the cover on the new cars, Hongqi's first self-designed and self-made supercar S9 and all-electric SUV concept E115.

It's learned that the two new car models represent Hongqi's newest technology and design. Carrying the new V8T hybrid power system, S9 is the first product of the brand's S series.

Xu said S9 is an integration of Hongqi's design concept, family trait, world's top engineering technology and furious speed, which seamlessly combines art and technology.

"S9 is not just an exhibit, it will be put into mass production and delivered to customers by 2021," Xu noted.

With a cruising range of 600 kilometers, E115 is a smart car that can choose driving mode and autopilot level according to traffic, driver's preference and travel plans.

Hongqi has set out on a new journey with a brand-new strategy and vision to create a "good life and good mobility" for customers in China and elsewhere, Xu said at the press conference.

Under the theme "Driving Tomorrow," this year's IAA is shifting from a classic motor show towards a platform to discuss the future of individual mobility. Boasting a hundred years of history, the biennial show, also known as the Olympics of the global auto industry, is one of the top five automobile expositions in the world.

See the original link: https://en.imsilkroad.com/p/308296.html

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190911/2576727-1-a

Xu Liuping, chairman of the FAW Group, speaks at the International (IAA).

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190911/2576727-1-b

Hongqi presents new car models at the International (IAA).

Source: Xinhua Silk Road Information Service

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