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10.16 (수)

Renault to produce Twizy ultra-compact electric vehicle in S. Korea

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SEOUL -- Twizy, an ultra-compact electric vehicle produced by French carmaker Renault S.A, will be modified for a goodwill mission in South Korea's southern port city of Busan to create jobs for young people seeking to use them for delivery services and coffee sales.

The so-called "hope car" project was part of a business agreement signed by Busan City authorities and Renault Samsung Motors, the South Korean affiliate of the French auto group. Renault Samsung will provide modified Twizys to be produced at a new plant in Busan.

Under a memorandum of understanding Tuesday with Renault Samsung, Dongshin Motech, an auto components maker, is responsible for the production of Twizys from September next year. The Twizy plant will have an annual capacity of 5,000 units for domestic sales and exports.

Twizy, manufactured in Valladolid, Spain. is a two-seat ultra-compact electric vehicle classified in Europe as a heavy quadricycle, with a length of 2.32 meters. It has a maximum range of 100 kilometers (62 miles).
Lim Chang-won Reporter cwlim34@ajunews.com

Lim Chang-won cwlim34@ajunews.com

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