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SK Hynix ready to break ground for $13.2 bn new memory plant on Dec. 19

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SK Hynix M14 plant in Icheon.

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SK Hynix, the world’s second largest memory chip maker, will hold a groundbreaking ceremony for M16 Plant in Icheon, Gyeonggi Province, Korea on Dec. 19, continuing its expansion strategy despite concerns about a global memory semiconductor oversupply.

According to industry sources on Monday, SK Group chairman Chey Tae-won and other leadership team members will attend the ceremony.

Chey vowed to make 46 trillion won ($40.1 billion) investments in total into semiconductor business in 2015 when SK Hynix completed its M14 plant in Icheon, where its headquarters is nestled.

The M16 to be built on a site of 53,000 square meters will be completed by October 2020. SK Hynix will invest more than 15 trillion won in construction and equipment.

The new plant is expected to produce near 10-nano scale DRAM chips with extreme ultraviolet (EUV) equipment in place for ultra-fine processing although the company has yet to decide what products will be rolled out. The M14 is responsible for DRAMs and the M15 is responsible for NAND Flash chips.

Semiconductor companies have rather conservative plans for their future investment as the industry’s supercycle is coming to an end. SK Hynix said its plan would be flexible when it released third-quarter earnings results. But the company is betting that global demand would come back in the long haul as applications in artificial intelligence and sensing technology requires faster computing and more memory capacity.

[ⓒ Maeil Business Newspaper & mk.co.kr, All rights reserved]
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