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06.16 (일)

[K-MOVE] Jikji Korea Int'l Festival

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A large-scale installation artwork made with waste wood is showing off its majesty in the center of a square in South Korea's central city of Cheongju.

This 16-meter-tall, 18-meter-wide art piece is titled "Jikji Forest".

The sculpture is known to represent and symbolize the 2018 Jikji Korea International Festival which follows the first of its kind staged in 2016.

The festival is designed to shed light on the spirit and the diverse value of Korea's Jikji, a collection of Buddhist treatises and teachings and the world's oldest extant book printed with movable metal type.

[Kim Gwan-Su, general director, Jikji Korea Int'l Festival]

"Many different stories are described in the Jikji textbook. We exhibit those stories here and there during the festival."

Exhibitions featuring the past and the present of Jikji which was published in 1377, as well as those listed on the UNESCO's Memory of the World Register, help visitors to easily understand the old textbook.

The festival also offers a wide range of events for global players in the printing industry, including the official launching of the International Association of

Printing Museums.

Meanwhile, this year's edition of the festival has opened its doors much wider to general visitors.

The Jikji Korea festival, which kicked off on October 1, is set to run through October 21.

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[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN PLUS 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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