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10.03 (목)

KB Financial, Samsung Elec to jointly launch banking-specified smartphone

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South Korea’s top KB Financial Group Inc. has joined hands with tech giant Samsung Electronics Co. to introduce a smartphone with exclusive apps for KB financial services ranging from simplified money transfer to stock trading.

According to KB Financial Group on Friday, with the Galaxy KB Star smartphone that is loaded with KB Square, its users can check their bank accounts and transfer money at their fingertips. The smartphone will also allow its users to have easy access to other financial services of KB Financial Group’s seven affiliates including bank, brokerage, non-life insurance and card companies.

One of the most convenient services is speedy money transfer on lock screen, the bank boasted. Users can instantly transfer money by touching and dragging the KB icon on the right-hand side of the locked screen, which will lead to KB Star Banking’s money transfer display. When users drag the Galaxy KB Star icon on the right-hand side, they will see an Edge menu offering various KB Financial services. Users also will be able to view bank statements and latest information of financial products.

Galaxy KB Star smartphone can be purchased via online at each of KB Financial Group affiliates’ homepage or KB Star banking application. The KB services will be offered in Samsung Electronics’ Galaxy Note 9, Galaxy S9, and Galaxy A8 models, and their official sales in Korea will begin on 24 Aug.

An unnamed official from KB Financial Group said the group plans to enhance partnership with Samsung Electronics in diverse areas such as overseas partnership business and the development of voice-based artificial intelligence financial assistance systems to move ahead of its rivals in the fin-tech sector.

[ⓒ Maeil Business Newspaper & mk.co.kr, All rights reserved]
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