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10.14 (월)

[K STYLE] Armor from Joseon Dynasty

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This is an armor from Korea's ancient Joseon Dynasty.

It is presumed to have been created in the late 18th century.

The armor is 101 centimeters long and 99 centimeters wide between its shoulders.

The outer shell of this armor is made of woven cotton cloth.

Drawn on the armor are rinceau patterns of coiling stems ending in lotus flowers.

The patterns contain wishes for the soldiers wearing the armors to return home safely.

The outer surface of the armor is studded with the heads of brass nails, called "Dujeong" in Korean.

The nails are used to attach the 194 leather patches, which look like fish scales, to the inner side of the armor.

The armor has recently returned home from Germany after 100 years.

[Cha Mi-Ae, research team head, Overseas Korean Cultural Heritage Foundation]
"The foundation houses a collection of 12 such armors. Its value is quite high."

The artifact is believed to have been taken out of the country by German missionaries in the early 20th century.

The Mission Museum of Saint Ottilien Archabbey in Eresing, near Munich, which kept the armor, has donated it to the Korean government.

[Father Theophil Gaus, director, Mission Museum of Saint Ottilien Archabbey]
"Now the armor comes back to your beautiful country and we are proud of that. This is a sign of cultural dialogue of great cooperation we have since many years, and it's a sign of friendship between our countries -- Korea and Germany."

The armors in the Joseon Dynasty were all arrow-proof.

One of those armors, which was called "Dujeonggap" in Korean, and worn by high ranking military officers, features the arrow-proof function.

The outer shell is made of a tough fabric, while steel plates or leather patches are riveted to the underside.

An arrow penetrates the iron plate.

But the same type of arrow bounces off Dujeonggap.

The flexible Dujeonggap absorbs energy upon the arrow's impact.

Scientifically created, the armors from the Joseon Dynasty were the quintessence of wisdom in the era.

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[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN PLUS 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
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