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[PRNewswire] MediaCom is named Media Network of the Year at Cannes Lions 2018

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-- Network outperforms all other media agencies after picking up Grand Prix, 2 Silver and 1 Bronze Lion

(CANNES, France, June 21, 2018 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) MediaCom has been named Media Network of the Year at the 2018 Cannes Lions Festival. The agency's work for Tesco in the UK landed the Grand Prix for Excellence in Media Planning, while campaigns for P&G's Gillette in Israel added two Silver Lions and a Bronze Lion. The agency also received eight shortlist nominations, making MediaCom the most decorated media agency in the competition.

The Grand Prix campaign, Tesco's Food Love Stories, enabled the retail giant to turn food shopping from a functional to an emotional purchase. While competitors focused on food provenance, Tesco used its first food campaign in three years to celebrate "the food you love to cook for the people you love."

The message was shared via paid digital, out of home and radio, with data targeting ensuring the delivery of personalised stories to consumers. Owned media, including point-of-sale, recipe cards, email, print and digital helped spread the word.

The fully-integrated campaign delivered a 53% improvement in quality scores, making Tesco's Food Love Stories the retailer's most effective campaign ever.

MediaCom worked with BBH London on the campaign with ITV Creative, Global Radio, Facebook and JCDecaux also providing production services.

MediaCom Israel picked up three Lions for its work with P&G's Gillette. The Babyface campaign picked up a Silver Lion by encouraging new dads to build strong physical bonds with their children by shaving their scratchy beards, while I Don't Roll on Shabbos grabbed both Silver and Bronze for enabling members of the country's Orthodox community to buy and use deodorant on the Jewish day of rest. I Don't Roll on Shabbos boosted Gillette's share of the deodorant market from 3% to 15%.

"This is fantastic news, and I'm hugely proud of the UK team for winning the ultimate prize in our industry. Nor could I be happier for our client, Tesco, who worked in partnership with us to create this memorable campaign," said Stephen Allan, Worldwide Chairman and CEO of MediaCom. "Tesco's Food Love Stories combines great insight with fantastic business results and demonstrates how our Systems Thinking approach can help brands be both creative and effective in the way they invest their marketing budgets. I'm also thrilled by the geographical spread of our shortlisted work. From Vietnam to India, Australia to Belgium and Israel to Russia, we have ensured our clients get the same high quality of service in every market".

The result maintains MediaCom's dominance at global award ceremonies, as it was named Agency Network of the Year by Festival of Media Global earlier this year and topped the Gunn Media 100, published by WARC.

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Source: MediaCom

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