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06.29 (토)

S. Korea's top mobile carrier develops first domestic AI accelerator

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SEOUL -- SK Telecom, South Korea's top mobile carrier, has developed the country's first artificial intelligence inference accelerator (AIX), a hardware solution which accelerates the AI computing process.

AIX is a palm-sized dedicated chipset used for accelerating the process of AI. Because Google is the only company in the world which has commercialized the small and energy-efficient AIX, researchers use expensive and power-consuming graphics processing units (GPU) to speed up the AI process.

"By successfully developing the AI processing solution, we have acquired the world's top-class technology," an SK Telecom official told reporters on Thursday. He said the AIX chipset can increase the AI processing ability of a server by about five times without actually adding physical servers.

"Just by adding the AIX onto a server, AI's deep learning speed will increase and it also consumes less electricity," the official said.

SK Telecom said that AIX has already been applied to servers for NUGU, the company's AI platform. There are about three million active users of NUGU in South Korea.
Park Sae-jin Reporter swatchsjp@ajunews.com

Park Sae-jin swatchsjp@ajunews.com

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