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10.17 (목)

[K-ISSUE] Film 'Burning'

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South Korean auteur Lee Chang-Dong's new film "Burning" has been invited to the main competition category for this year's Cannes Film Festival.

With the selection for the 2018 edition, Lee's latest three films have been placed on the list of the competition section of the French film festival in a row.

Lee and his film's male lead Yoo Ah-In held a press conference in Seoul before their departure for Cannes.

[Lee Chang-Dong, director, Burning]
"As is well known, the Cannes Film Festival is one of the world's most noteworthy film festivals to effectively promote movies. So, this will be a good opportunity for us to publicize our films well...."

[Yoo Ah-In, male lead, Burning]
"These types of movies, that break existing standards and present a fresh angle of view, need promotional arenas indeed. They badly need such arenas."

"Burning" is an adaptation of the famed Japanese author Haruki Murakami's short story "Barn Burning".

The film is known to tell a story about today's youth harboring helplessness and rage, and facing mysterious situations.

Lee's film "Secret Sunshine" earned its lead Jeon Do-Yeon the best actress award at Cannes in 2007, while he won the best screenplay award for "Poetry" at the same film fest in 2010.

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[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN PLUS 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
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