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10.17 (목)

President Moon praises Kim for fulfilling promise sincerely

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SEOUL -- South Korean President Moon Jae-in praised North Korean leader Kim Jong-un Monday for fulfilling his promise one by one, saying the professed shutdown of the North's nuclear test site would mark the start of complete denuclearization.

Kim agreed to shut down its nuclear test site at his summit with Moon on April 27. Pyongyang said journalists from South Korea, China, Russia, the United States and Britain would be invited to cover the dismantlement of its Punggy-ri test site near the border with China between May 23 and 25.

Moon welcomed North Korea's decision that followed the release of three American citizens detained in the isolated country, saying Kim was showing "considerable sincerity" for the success of his summit with U.S. President Donal Trump in Singapore on June 12.

"As an initial step in the complete denuclearization of North Korea, it has an important meaning that denuclearization has begun," Moon said, adding Kim appears to be implementing every promise he made at the historic inter-Korean summit.

Lim Chang-won Reporter cwlim34@ajunews.com

Lim Chang-won cwlim34@ajunews.com

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