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10.13 (일)

BTS agency responds to death threat against member Jimin

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SEOUL -- Big Hit Entertainment, the agency of South Korea's boy band BTS, is taking action to protect Jimin who has been the target of constant death threats. Initially, tweets threatening to kill Jimin were regarded as a joke but now they are causing panic in online fan communities.

"I'm going to shoot Park Jimin with a Glock 19 in Fort Worth on September 16 while he sings Serendipity," a person said in a post uploaded onto Twitter last week. Jimin received similar threats since March. Serendipity is a BTS hit song watched more than 61 million times on YouTube.

The agency said in a statement Sunday that it would do its best to prevent dangerous actions that could harm BTS members and fans. "We are thoroughly prepared for possible cases," it said. BTS will release its new album, "Love Yourself: Tears", on May 18 and new songs will be showcased at the Billboard Music Awards on May 20.
Park Sae-jin Reporter swatchsjp@ajunews.com

Park Sae-jin swatchsjp@ajunews.com

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