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09.22 (일)

'I live Alone' Daniel Henney, in front of his fancy car "Exactly the CSI agent'

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<이미지를 클릭하시면 크게 보실 수 있습니다>

[MHN] 'I Live Alone' appaering Daniel Henney's SNS posts are highlighted once again.

Daniel Henney recently appeared on MBC entertainment program 'I live Alone' and reavealed his daily lives which caught huge attentions. Along, his pictoria like daily lives got highlighted once again.

On 2016 Daniel Henney's instagram, there posted a photo of him in a suit and posing in front of his fancy car.

In the photo, Daniel Henney show off his incredible proportion and good looks which caught attentions of women fans around the world.

On the other hand, 'I live Alone' broadcasts every friday at 11:10.

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