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10.15 (화)

Safer Self-Driving Cars with 5G Tech

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5G telecommunications technology helps make self-driving vehicles safer. It is "K-City", a pilot city for self-driving vehicles in South Korea's western city of Hwaseong.

Two self-driving cars are running on the road. The two vehicles exchange information on the current traffic situation through a 5G network. The vehicles reduce speed at a school zone.

A student jumped on to the road. The first car made a sudden stop. Informing the following car of the situation, the lead vehicle prevented any accident from taking place.

In another sector, autonomous cars change their lanes after finding that there were accidents ahead.

This is a cooperative drive by autonomous vehicles using 5G mobile technology.

SK Telecom claims that it is the first time for a couple self-driving cars to take part in such a combination test run, communicating with each other on their routes and safety.

[Kim Yeong-Rak, head, Vehicle Tech Lab, SK Telecom]
"The purpose of this test drive is to get self-driving cars connected with 5G network, a core technology for the fourth industrial revolution and to contribute to boosting domestic industries."

The government aims to commercialize fully self-driving cars by 2030.

Concerns about the safety of self-driving cars are seen easing in the wake of the arrival of advanced cutting-edge telecommunications technologies.

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[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN PLUS 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
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